As a leader, you will have greater impact when you shift from “should” to a definitive action statement. It doesn't matter if the statement is, “I will” or “I won’t”. The point is to decide, then act in accordance with the decision.
“Should” is a hedge word and feels judgmental. It supports inertia, but nags at you. Tasks connected to a “should” rarely happen. You usually just end up feeling badly about it.
I am not advocating for a “yes” to all your “shoulds”. In fact, after a quick analysis, “I won’t” may be the best decision. Either way, making the decision will simplify your life; create clarity for those around you; and help you actually accomplish the things you deem important.
So, my challenge for you is to get rid of your “should”. Notice when you say (or think) “should” and turn it into a “yes” or “no” right then.
You may consider the following questions to help you decide:
-What is important to me about this?
-What is the benefit of following through?
-How much time will it take?
-What other resources will I need?
-If I choose to, when will I do it?